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Faith Formation
Confirmation Ministry
Youth Ministry

Confirmation ministry helps prepare young people to affirm their baptism in the rite of Confirmation, by helping them understand who they are as baptized children of God, teaching them about what it it means to be Lutheran Christians, and helping them to live out their faith in daily life.
Our confirmation ministry is a two year program that includes classes, retreats, regular participation in worship, service projects, and a relationship with an adult mentor. Typically, students begin confirmation during their middle school years.
We study the basics of the faith and the biblical story, and learn more about our Lutheran identity and heritage. Confirmation provides a safe space to ask hard questions, have fun, and grow in faith.
We offer monthly fellowship events for youth and families, such as movie nights, a summer cookout and bonfire, an annual Halloween party and hayride, attending Christian concerts, and trips to local amusement parks.
The youth also participate in several community service projects each year, such as a sleepout for the homeless and making cookies and Christmas cards for nursing home residents and homebound members.
Our senior high youth participate in the triennial ELCA Youth Gathering.
Faith Formation

We offer a variety of small group ministries that help us grow deeper in our Faith through scripture. Our Newsletter will have current groups, activities and programs available. We hope you will join us!
Vacation Bible School & Virtual Bible School

Families from Big Spring United Lutheran Church and the Bloserville Fellowship area churches join together each summer for Vacation Bible School. During the school year, these gather on Zoom for Virtual Bible School. Please join us! For more information, email